• 台灣女孩x南西

    >> Nancy the Taiwanese Girl <<

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    Traveling is about the gorgeous feeling of discovering the unknown while listening to and learning from inspiring stories and people.

  • About Me 關於我

    >> I strive to be better. 成為更好的自己 <<

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    Hi, This is Nancy from Taiwan!! I love traveling, volunteering, cooking, and playing volleyball. On this site, I'll share my findings, learnings, and adventures. Hope you love my story, and please feel free to connect with me via social media!

    哈囉我是南西! 這個部落格記錄我在世界的足跡還有平日生活的成長日記以及各種探險+新發現! 如果你也喜歡旅行、當志工、料理、打排球、學語言,那請多多指教囉! 希望你會喜歡我的故事,如果有什麼建議或想法也可以留言!

  • Diary 成長日記

    >> About my adventures, growth, and discoveries <<

    August 30, 2018 · 奧地利交換,成長日記,環歐旅行,文化交流,心情記事
    April 16, 2018 · 成長日記,德文Deutsch,文化交流
    December 30, 2017 · 準備交換的日子,奧地利交換,成長日記,嘗試新鮮事,環歐旅行
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